Wednesday, June 20th, designer Mara Hoffman took a bold stance against legislation's new Mexico border policy. Our nation has been in tears over the hostile separation of children and their parents. In an effort to reunite these devastated families, social media has burst at the seams with public outcry and concern. Celebrities are posting about the apparent tragedy that has stricken America and citizens have blown up the internet with the hashtag #FamiliesBelongTogether. This is arguably the most contentious issue to hit the media since #MeToo and the #NeverAgain campaigns. I have always kept my eye on Mara Hoffman as she has breathtaking designs and a solid moral compass, so when her defense against this legislation popped up onto my Instagram feed I wasn't surprised.
For a fashion brand to donate 100% of its profits to a cause is almost unheard of. Companies throw around 3 and 5% and suddenly think they're Gandhi. Mara Hoffman made a tangible difference in the wellbeing of our nation and we can only hope her act serves as an inspiration for others. Fashion designers are more than just their clothing; they are public figures and have the power to ignite change. Hoffman may have won only a small battle in the grand scheme of governmental policy, but she just won a huge fight for the fashion industry.